Wednesday, August 1, 2007

First Meeting
1. How does Values Education work to your advantage?

-Values Education is one of our subject in school that we sometimes disregard because we find it corny, but if we just going to think about the lessons that are teachers teaching us in this subject we can say that its not a corny thing but a helpful "thing" to us.
For me, values Education educate me and reminding me about the things that I should do. It helps me in the way that it became one of my guidelines in doing things good and proper. This reminds me on how can I do things well.

2. After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?

- College is really different in highschool. I know that there are lots of adjustments that I need to do to be able to cope up here in college, although I am old enough I'm still worrying and feeling nervous because the environment is really different than before.
In the first few weeks of studying here in MCL I realized that I need to be more responsible in the things that I will do like in waking up earlier than before to avoid arriving late in school, doing things such as assignment earlier, and to be systematic so that I can properly do things I have to do.

Third Meeting Questions Choose ONE and write it in your blog account.

2. Write a reflection about one of your significant classroom experiences during the past few days at MCL. This could be something positive or negative. Use the outline below:- the date/time of experience- details of the story/experience (people, location, event/situation, reactions of the people around.- your feelings and reactions during this experience- your learning/realization from the experience.

DATE: 2nd week of class
TIME: 10:00
- It happened during our class in Physical Science, we are in the middle of our discussion when someone texted me that cause my cellphone to beep loudly. I was really surprised because I thought that I turned my cellphone off. My classmates and also my teacher looked at me and they laughed at me ( I know that they didn't mean to offend or embarass me.). At that time, I really don't know what to do, I really felt embarassed . Starting that day I always make sure that before I came in the classroom I already turned my cellphone off or at least switch it on silent mode.
- I learned that I should always check not only my cellphone but also all my other things.

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